Wednesday, February 12, 2014

For Your Honey

Gold Bumble Bee Bobby Pins

Looking for something sweet for your honey this Valentine's Day? Me too. 
Micky just walked in on me making what was supposed to be a surprise Valentine batch of lime buttermilk sorbet, his *favorite* dessert of all time. 
He's such a ruiner. 

Hopefully you guys will have better luck than I! 
Here are some ideas in that department just in case you need a plan bee.
(Sorry, I HAD to do it.)

Happy V-Day, everyone!

Utah Salt Honey Caramel
1/4 lb box, $8 from beesbrothers on Etsy

Bee by Suren Nersisyan
8 x 10" original watercolor, $25 from ORIGINALONLY on Etsy

Busy Bee Mug

- Cathleen


  1. Shoot, I love those pins.I think I'll be ordering myself a VDay present this year.

  2. i'm thinking we might need some caramels up in here.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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