Friday, January 10, 2014

Mast Brothers

So, I know Christmas is pretty long past for most people, but Dan and I just finished enjoying one of his presents the other day. This year, like most other years, he found a couple of Mast Brothers chocolate bars in his stocking (from me) and we were both super excited.

Mast Brothers chocolate is one of my favorite things in life, combining chocolate with little else, wrapped in gold foil and then again in gorgeous Italian paper. Each bar has its own beautiful design printed on the paper and I often have difficulty picking the bars for their flavors as opposed to their wrapping. (I'm one of those people that do judge books by their covers.) A friend of mine has been to their location in NY and got to witness the wrapping of the chocolate bars. That image has haunted me ever since and I'm pretty sure it might be my dream job.

Apart from the aesthetics, the chocolate is amazing. Mast Brothers source from small cacao farms around the world and then they do the rest: sorting, roasting, winnowing, stone grinding, aging and tempering. The result is an amazing bar that usually has four ingredients or less: our Christmas bars had cacao, cane sugar, black truffles, and sea salt in one and cacao, cane sugar, and sea salt in the other. And they were incredible! So, new project for Swings and Arrows readers: try Mast Brothers chocolate as soon as possible!

Have a sweet weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I still have the packaging from the Mast Brothers Bar you got me pinned to my pegboard from three year ago... You just go ahead and keep judging those covers..


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