Thursday, September 25, 2014

Middle School Reading Lists: Then and Now

As an educator (that sounds snobby) I found this article intriguing - a comparison of middle school reading lists from 1908 and today. Check it out.

Stock photo from Google, you know, 'cause I'm phoning it in.

Thoughts? I think what surprised me the most was that the books from today's reading list are, for the most part, not older than twenty years old. Yikes! Young people need to read books from time periods other than just contemporary titles.



  1. This is very interesting and I agree with you (and the author's) assessment about the age of books in relation to the time. At those young formative ages it is more important for them to learn the classics and have a solid base in history before eventually getting to the more modern literature (which many times are heavily influenced by rash public opinion of the time).
    "The farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see".
    -Sir Winston Churchill

  2. I try to keep mostly classics around so that they get used to more difficult and far more beautiful language at younger ages. Our 8 year old has a few exceptions. I let her read the Dear America series, because it's historical fiction and I let her check out the Magic Tree House and American Girl Stories from the library.


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