Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Spy...

the linenfold motif on the bedroom doors in Downton Abbey! 

Quick history from the book The Penguin Dictionary of Decorative Arts:
"A conventional representation of a piece of linen laid in vertical folds, of c15 Flemish origins and much used by Tudor wood-carvers for the decoration of panelling and furniture (mainly chests and the doors of wardrobes)."

Linenfold motif

Linenfold motif again

Linenfold motif on the door in Lady Cora's bedroom (and yes, it was near impossible to find a good picture of the doors in the show). 

Look out for it next time you watch! 

- Grace


  1. i didn't know you were watching downton!! we have so much to talk about!!!

  2. That is neat! I finally watched the finale...Cueto, you need to come down so we can all talk about it!


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